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Starting Out
There’s no one way to adulting, and that’s the exciting part! It’s the best time to explore who you want to be and how you want to get there. As you start on your path, we’ll help you gear up with the necessary life skills.
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Start Your Journey to Adulthood by Mastering the Basics
Let these tools empower you to build knowledge, resilience, and success.

Begin your savings and investments journey
Start small and add more as you go. Be consistent by automating what you set aside and budgeting what's left.

Credit can be good for you
A credit card lets you build credit history for future borrowing needs — like when you buy your dream car or home.

Be the master of your finances
Track your expenses, manage your accounts and be in control of your transactions anytime, anywhere.
Discover more possibilities
Check out bank solutions

Navigate Adulthood with Confidence
Article|3 min read
What Credit Means for Your Financial Future
Article|3 min read
Growing Your Money: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing
Article|4 min read
Make the Most of Your Year-End Bonus: Here Are 3 Ways You Can Do It
First job success: Career advice on how to develop the right skills and mindset
Credit Card Hacks to Help You Live It Up!
Credit 101: How to Build Good Credit
If savings accounts were like the best friends you’ll meet in life
How To Create a Plan That Will Jumpstart Your Financial Journey
Smart Money Moves: Mastering Mindful Spending in Your 20s
Job-Hunting 101: How to Write A Resume that Sells Your Story
Want to Work Freelance? Here’s What You Should Know
Why You Need To Set Your Financial Goals Early In Life
Saving for the Ultimate Barkada Trip: The 70-20-10 Rule Explained
Investing in Your 20s: Why it’s the best gift for yourself and how to start