Prime Life

Enjoying Retirement

It’s all about you and how you want to enjoy the prime of your life and preserve the legacy you’ve successfully built. You can count on us for the best tips, tools, and solutions as you welcome this new and exciting adventure.


Let Your Money Work Harder Than You

Enrich your retirement experience and support a stable lifestyle with these resources.

It’s Never Too Late To Get Into Investing

Get regular cash flow by investing in fixed income investments issued by institutions with sound financial performance

Learn More About Fixed Income Investment Opportunities Colored right chevron icon

Protect the Legacy You’ve Built and Pass It On

Insure your hard-earned assets against damage and loss from natural disasters and other unfortunate incidents.

Keep your Pamana Safe with AXA Prosperity Insurance Colored right chevron icon

Interesting Ways to Earn Outside of Regular Employment

Stay mentally and financially productive using different strategies to earn passive income during retirement.

Find out how other retirees are earning passive income Colored right chevron icon

Discover more possibilities

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Reap Your Rewards and Find Ways to Keep Growing with These Guides and Insights

Article|2 min read

Strengthening family ties during retirement: Passing on a solid financial foundation

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How estate planning can protect your legacy and the finances of your heirs

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How to adjust your retirement plans as life changes

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4 secrets to maximizing your retirement income

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Understanding your retirement benefits from SSS

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How to plan your retirement budget: A checklist for expenses

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Ways to budget your hobbies into your retirement

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How to build a healthcare fund for your retirement

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Planning to travel during retirement? Here's how you can start

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Passive Income for Retirees: 5 Ways to Boost Your Funds

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How to Spot An Online Scam: Phishing and Smishing

Article|3 min read

Interesting Things People Have Put in Their Last Will and Testament